Vertimax Vive

Brett Kuehn — VertiMax for Home Use Part 1



Brett Kuehn is a sports and human performance enthusiast, athlete, and mentor to Team VertiMax. He is a USMC veteran and business development professional at VertiMax. Brett’s passion is to help others achieve their goals whether they are an athlete looking to improve their speed, agility, and verticals; a coach looking to help their athletes gain an edge, or a sports performance owner or trainer seeking new ways to increase their business.   In this episode, Al and Brett answer some frequently asked questions from curious customers about how to use the VertiMax at home. They answer everything from how easy it is to store, how to get creative with the exercises, and who should be using this at home.    Key Takeaways: [0:43] Al introduces his guest for this episode- Brett Kuehn. [1:00] Brett will be answering some common questions they get about how to use the VeritMax at home.  [1:45] How do you set up the VertiMax at home?  [3:25] Can you easily move the VertiMax around?  [5:10] Where do you use the VertiMax