Aussie English

AE 1137 - Interview: Going From Beginner to Near-Native in Russian with Justin Hammond - Part 1



Here's another round of interviews for you here on the Aussie English podcast! Do you remember Justin Hammond of episode AE 475? Yep, this mate's a language learner like me and has been doing travels around Russia and Ukraine. In this first episode, we catch up on his language learning experiences, learning French, Mandarin Chinese and then Russian later at university. We talk about why he ended up settling on Russian as a language to take through university and beyond the difficulties of learning significantly different foreign languages with very different grammar and writing systems compared to English. We also had a great chat on how we became a famous YouTuber in Russia! He does all of his videos and skits that he does in these videos in Russian. He also gives out tips on how to get the most out of an exchange in a foreign country and make sure your target language improves as much as possible. And lastly, we talk about the pros and cons of using native versus non-native English teachers or tea