Batman Knightcast

Batman Family Reunion #7 – Fencing, Broken Trophies, and Shawn’s First Comic Book!



Watch out!  Cousin Paul is driving the chariot but Cousin Shawn is about to shoot him with a bow and arrow!  What brought on this epic battle?  Well, get your sports equipment out for this month’s Batman Family Reunion to find out!  We read through Batman Family #7, which is a VERY SPECIAL ISSUE for Shawn – his FIRST EVER COMIC BOOK!! This month's Bat Family History Links for Elliot S! Maggin: And finally, courtesy of The Answer Man himself, the story of the Hudson University Unispan Bridge (from Issue 6), in a post from Bob Rozakis's blog:   Have a question or comment? Looking for more great content?  Have a specific issue you love and want to talk to us about it? E-MAIL: Follow Batman Family Reunion on Twitter: @batmanfamilyreunion This podcast is a pro