Chris Collins Show

Episode 1203: Actress, Elizabeth Trieu, Erzulie



Actress Elizabeth Trieu joins JUST TALKING to discuss her latest film ERULIE—a horror film. A jolly tale about 4 girlfriends enjoying their Holiday on the Bayou and decide to summon one pissed off mermaid for revenge!  Elizabeth shares her struggles as a working actress dealing with loss but stays grounded by having a sense of humor. What does it take to land a role? Casting directors will have a number of requests like kisses or frontal nudity.  BUT—what about getting coke snorted off your ass? Elizabeth earned a theater degree from The University of Texas at Austin, then bounced between Los Angeles, New York and Austin looking for work.  Asian women are getting put in a box—SO if Hollywood doesn’t want to step up—THEN writer/director Christine Chen will!  Elizabeth Trieu plays Violet Burns in the film ERULIE a role specifically written with Elizabeth as an Asian actress in mind. Show business is a cut-throat game, but if you keep calm and keep bleeding orange you’ll get there. Visit and