Chats With Susan Burrell

Are You Boundless & Free?



Are You Boundless and Free? A Solo Show with Susan Burrell Are we growing yet? This Empowering Chat is all about GROWTH. I put that word in all caps on purpose. To both grab your attention and to challenge you to step out of your box. Join me for this conversation about change, growth and doing today what maybe you couldn’t do last year, or last week or even yesterday. I want to challenge you to journey to the edge of your boundaries. By definition a boundary is called a frontier. I like to think of it as the place where we face the unknown. The unknown challenges of our lives, our thoughts, our feelings. With everything that is going on in our world today, mass shootings, Covid, the war in Ukraine, where do we find Hope? Where do we find Truth? And where do we find Happiness, Freedom and Peace? All of that and so much more is found within you. You are the frontier of potential. In the words of Ernest Holmes, we must create a larger vision beyond the old vision and limitations.  He goes on to say, and I quote