Cleverly Changing Podcast

Homeschooling A Child With Type 1 Diabetes



Today's podcast is close to my heart because when my daughter was in kindergarten, she was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. It is also one of the reasons that I continued to homeschool my children for so long. People homeschool for a variety of different reasons, but health concerns was my top reason.History to exploreType 1 Diabetes is an autoimmune disease. The body attacks a person's pancreas and causes the patient to need insulin to regular the glucose in their blood. For multiple reasons, Type 1 Diabetes, also referred to as juvenile diabetes is a growing concern for families worldwide.One of the earliest accounts of diabetes was found on papyrus and dates back to the Egyptians in 1550 B.C. Written in hieroglyphics on papyrus, Ancient Egyptians documented the occurrence of excessive urination, thirst and weight loss; which are symptoms of type 1 diabetes. People who had it were encouraged to eat more whole grains to regulate their bodies glucose levels (learn more).African ProverbSpeech is an egg; if it d