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UNLESS THE LORD BUILDS A HOUSE - pt1 - Unless The Lord Builds A House



In “Unless the Lord Builds a House”, Rodney shares that our life is filled with choices and decisions, some good, others bad. A person may have good intentions, but sometimes results can leave us with regrets. Like a game of chess, everyday is filled with countless options and unforeseen events. We certainly can’t control every outcome, but we can set ourselves up for success overtime when we prioritize God and biblical principles when managing our life and families. Many people are more concerned with building their houses, cars, things, money, or status than they are building and preparing a “home”. You can prepare. You can plan. Your can guard. You can build. But unless the Lord builds a house your work is in vain. Life if filled with unexpected things, but the one thing that is reliable is the advocate – Jesus, who pleads our case before the Father.