Authentic Influence

083 - What's the value of blogging & why invest in outsourcing content creation?



What's the value of blogging and why would a business want to invest in having content created for their blog?  This question was submitted by Stevie V Brown from during our recent B2B Podcast Party. Stevie asked this question from the perspective of a marketing consultant helping her clients, but my response will be relevant to you even if you run your own business.     Resources:  Register for our next Podcast Party  Write content faster and easier. Grab your free 10,000 word trial of Jasper  Be a guest on Authentic Influence & get a free 30-min content audit with expert advice on how to get more traffic and leads for your business. Apply today. Connect with me: Join the Authentic Influence community: Subscribe to my newsletter: Grab my free case study guide: Want free coaching? Submit your question: htt