Business Owners & Entrepreneurs Podcast With Peter Boolkah | Business Coach | The Transition Guy®

Get Yourself Seen & Monetize Your Online Presence W/ Jay Jay



Today, I sit down with Jay Jay, the founder of Ace of Spades PR agency, to discuss social media brand building, and how you can use your online presence and your personal brand to stand out from the competition.You see, nowadays it’s harder than ever to make yourself seen on social media and in the online world. Ten years ago it was a completely different story. When Youtube was just getting started, there was hardly anyone out there compared to today.According to Jay Jay, it’s getting tougher to be seen because it's so noisy. There’s simply so much content of all sorts out there, that even if your content is great, very few people will see it unless you have a strategy.So, where should you start if you want to build your online presence and your personal brand?Well, the first step in social media brand building is to be honest and clear about what you want. Do you want clients? Do you want fame? Or money?Ultimately, a lot of your success would come down to consistently putting your content and your bran