Banter Banter

These are the Patches of Our Lives



Mike and Manny chat about finished products that was released back before the internet and post internet, and how patches are easier to provide constant updates and upgrades. Has the ability to release games without cleaning most of the bugs and glitches and just patch the game after release created a bad environment for the gaming community or the gaming industry? Do gamers see a benefit in helping correct these bugs and glitches? While waiting for the code updates to Aaron's processing UI, Manny and Mike mention some games from the pre-internet times that somehow got greenlit and were disasterous failures. Maybe if those games could have gotten patched like they can now, those games might have succeeded, or maybe they would have died before release. So come sit at the corner of Reality and Nostalgia with the Banter Banter Boys and imagine what could have been saved by a patch and what could have been great if it wasn't rushed to market with a fist full of glitches. Intro/Outro: 'Friends' by Miracle of Soun