History & Policy

Speaker Series: Sir Thomas Legg - government and the rule of law



Sir Thomas Legg’s career at the Lord Chancellor’s Department spanned nearly 40 years and between 1989 and his retirement in 1998 he held the posts of Permanent Secretary and Clerk of the Crown in Chancery. Since retirement he has also chaired several government inquiries including the investigation into the parliamentary expenses scandal in 2009-10. During this period there were many important developments in the UK legal system and its role within the UK constitution, including the incorporation of European law and the rise of judicial review of government action. Sir Thomas will reflect on his unique experiences and their implications for the crucial issue of the relationship between government and the rule of law. May 2017 - 18:00 pm - 19:30 pm Nash Lecture Theatre, King's College London, Strand, London WC2R 2LS