Bible Streams

Singing The Seasons - The Megillot: Ecclesiastes



As we come to the last episode of our series on the Megillot, these five short books that a grouped together as 'the Scroll' in the Hebrew Bible, we find Ecclesiastes. Seemingly easy to read, like Proverbs, with memorable sections and familiar themes, it is in fact hard to discern what we should take away from this book. Is everything meaningless? Does God care what happens? Why isn't the author giving us clear answers? Who is this mysterious Preacher/Teacher/Gatherer? Ecclesiastes is complex, engaging, and confronting, but ultimately, comforting, as it asks but not always answers the big questions of life.---There is a small collection of books that sit nestled toward the back of the Hebrew Bible. In the Ketuvim, the Writings, wedged between the three large poetic books of Psalms, Proverbs and Job, and the post-exilic writings (Daniel, Ezra-Nehemiah and Chronicles), are the Five Megillot - the Five Scrolls. Small but rich and complex in their subject matter, these five books found their significance both in