Chapelstreet Church

Spiritual Help for Weak People (Sermon)



What there was a guaranteed answer to one of the most pressing questions you will ever ask… a remedy for what may well be the greatest fear in your heart. The question and the fear are the same: Will God’s love for me one day dissipate and disappear? Is there a limit to his love? Is it even remotely possible that one day he will simply grow tired of me and give up? The answer is a resounding, No! When you read Romans 8:31-39, you almost get the feeling that Paul is actually issuing a kind of challenge. It’s almost as if he says: “Go ahead. Come on, Christian, take your best shot. Tell God why you can’t trust his love. Throw at him your most powerful and persuasive objections. Tell Him why you fear that His love may soon fade into little more than a distant echo. Bring it on!” #onlineservice #2022sermon #churchonline If you are new (or newish) or would just like to connect with a pastor, just text the word "hello" to 630-686-7334. One of our pastors will follow up with you personally. ===================