Before Brunch

Ep 6. The Nature Of Irish Lickearsery And Harry Styles' Sexuality



In an increasingly competitive society where intangible commodities like "influence" rule, what is the place of 'lickarsery'. We deep dive into the art of "sucking up" after Leo Varadkar's display in Washington. As Rihanna takes a swipe at Snapchat, we chat about social media giants like Instagram and Snap and their responsibility for content shared on their platforms. Finally we dissect our obsession with categorising celebrities' sexuality, and decide who did the breaking up, Zayn or Gigi?! *EMAIL US YOUR EARLY TWENTIES BREAK UP STORIES FOR DISSECTION ON NEXT WEEK'S PODCAST -* Before Brunch Podcast is the perfect Sunday morning hangover cure. Megan and Cassie chew over all the biggest stories of the week, from the frivolous to the meaningful and everything in between. It's the same dirt you talk about at Brunch, we're just digging a little deeper. If you like the podcast, please do subscribe, rate and review to help other brunchers find us! Get in touch on twitter @meganmcassidy @ca