Before Brunch

Before Brunch Repeal Special - What You Can Do To Help In The Run Up To The Referendum



With less than a month until one of the most crucial political moments for women of our time, we interview Yes activists about how we can all get involved in the lead up to the referendum. We chat to Together For Yes advocates Annie Hoey and Gary Gannon to discuss all things repeal and arm you with the information you need during the next four weeks. We look at the facts and the stats you need to shape history. Before Brunch Podcast is the perfect Sunday morning hangover cure. Megan and Cassie chew over all the biggest stories of the week, from the frivolous to the meaningful and everything in between. It's the same dirt you talk about at Brunch, we're just digging a little deeper. If you like the podcast, please do subscribe, rate and review to help other brunchers find us! Get in touch on twitter @meganmcassidy @cassielorraine @lovindublin @lovindotie or