Before Brunch

Ep 16. Millennials Might Actually Be As Special As They Think They Are



Last week's result was only the beginning of a host of conversations about Irish values and where we're at as a society. One of the conversations we've been having this week is the fact that 'millennial' is no longer a dirty word. The "snowflakes", the "avocado toast generation", championed and pioneered this movement. They don't just use social media for selfies - they use it to further causes. They believe in social change, they are critical thinkers and don't accept what they're told. Yes, sometimes they're snowflakes. But they're also activists. We dig into the nuances of this generation, how they're motivated, why they do what they do, and why they/we actually might just be as special as we thought. So there. Before Brunch Podcast is the perfect Sunday morning hangover cure, brought to you by Diet Coke and the #BecauseICan campaign. Megan and Cassie chew over all the biggest stories of the week, from the frivolous to the meaningful and everything in between. It's the same dirt you talk about at