Before Brunch

Ep 19. Bloggers Unveiled And Our Innate Desire To Watch Bad Things Happen To People



We've all been there. Your friend gets a massive promotion. You feel happy for her - but there's also a *sinking feeling*. A feeling of 'where am I at? Why not me?'. Then what about this. You follow Love Island religiously. You have a favourite character and want them to win. But then producers deliberately stir things up, make life difficult, instigate breakups. Are you upset? Or are you more likely than ever to press record on the telly because... 'it just got good'. Why do we innately like watching bad things happen to people? Does it mean that WE'RE bad people? This week, Lovin was the target of Bloggers Unveiled, even though there was no substance to the claims. What we witnessed was an overwhelming eagerness to hop on board the bandwagon and bring us down. It happens every week on the Instagram channel. The mob wants to bring down the target. There's an addictive, obsessive, need to see someone destroyed before we can move on. It's mirrored in our obsession with Love Island. Why aren't we happy unt