Before Brunch

Ep. 36 Why Do We Love a Good Scare?



It’s almost Halloween and so we’re rolling out the scary movies, bingeing on dark series and ultimately viewing our screens from behind blankets with cushions pulled over our eyes. In this week’s episode we talk about the success of The Haunting of Hill House and what it is that keeps us coming back for more and more. Mike Flanagan's re-imagining of Shirley Jackson's 1959 gothic novel pulls the focus away from the house and onto the family. Every family has its own monsters - the real demons lie in unresolved trauma and we discuss the mechanisms Flanagan uses to deliver this message. We also share all the details of our LIVE brunch with Diet Coke taking place next week in Cleaver East. Before Brunch Podcast is the perfect Sunday morning hangover cure. Megan and Cassie chew over all the biggest stories of the week, from the frivolous to the meaningful and everything in between. It's the same dirt you talk about at Brunch, we're just digging a little deeper. If you like the podcast, please do subscribe,