
Elder Care with Guest Suzanne McNamara - Part 2 of 2



Elder Care with Guest Suzanne McNamara - Part 2 of 2 This week, join Justin McNamara, CFP and Alyssa McNamara, CFP, along with their guest Suzanne McNamara, RN, BSN, BSW, CMC, CDP of Kinship Elder Care Management for a discussion about Elder Care. Justin McNamara, CFP® is a Certified Financial Planner with a passion for investment strategy and selection. Works with small businesses and owners, parents of college-bound kids, job changers, pre- and post-retirees. Alyssa McNamara Reed, CFP®is a financial planner with a passion for the intersection of taxes and investing. Alyssa works with motivated savers, beneficiaries of estates, business owners, divorcees, and pre-retirees. Suzanne McNamara, RN, BSN, BSW, CMC, CDP, is an Elder Care Manager with over 20 years of experience in the field of aging, and is also a Registered Nurse and a Social Worker. You can find Suzanne McNamara online at: McNamara Financial is an Independent, family-owned, fee-only investment management and