

Nicole Walters quit her six figure corporate job LIVE on Periscope in front of 10,000 people -- and hasn't looked back since. Today, she's built her million dollar business around purpose, faith, and authenticity while teaching others to monetize their lives. Nicole 'scopes consistently, and today she's talking about how to a) get started and b) use Periscope as a real tool to grow your business instead of falling for the "shiny object syndrome" and falling off after you start. As Nicole says, livestreaming is "the opportunity to build a business by building a relationship" with the people who follow you.   In this episode, you will learn: - How to incorporate Periscope strategically into your social media plan with intention and purpose to monetize quickly - How to engage with your audience to drive your business after you are done live - Nicole's take on how to stay authentic when putting yourself in front of hundreds or thousands of people to attract others to you and your business   If you've been curious