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Ep. 119: How To Intentionally Create Freedom One Decision at a Time



All entrepreneurs and small business owners have had to make sacrifices that made them realize a harsh truth: freedom is not so free.  Whether it be your time, location, or financial ties, many people struggle with the freedom to choose.     If you want to create the life you’ve always dreamed of, you’re going to have to start making decisions differently.  Your perfect life is waiting for you as soon as you make the decision to stop following the herd.  constructed from small actions taken every day that play into your future.     Decide right now that you are going to dedicate yourself to small, daily actions that are going to put you in a place to create the freedom you so rightfully deserve.  You are going to construct the masterpiece of your life.  You can create freedom in your life, because your goals are never to big to be achieved.   In this episode you will learn…-How to stop running in circles in your life and business - instead, learn to create freedom in time, location, and money -Why your everyd