Lykken On Lending

4-13-15 SPECIAL GUEST: Logan Mohtashami with a 2015 Housing Market Update



This past week, Vice President Joe Biden and Julián Castro, Secretary of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development were out promoting homeownership for low income families and encouraging lenders to loosen credit standards.  After watching David Lykken appeared as a guest on FOX Business discussing this topic ( ), many mortgage lenders wrote him saying they are FOR the loosening credit standards.  David asked and we will be discussing, "Wasn't it the loosening of credit standards that got us into the last housing crisis and resulted in the U.S. getting into the 'Great Reccession'?"    To put this all in perspective, Logan Mohtashami will be returning to the broadcast sharing his thoughts on this important topic.  You can read his latest blog on this topic at (Logan Mohtashami | Financial Truth ).  He has recently been challenging the assumptions and assertions of many housing experts.  Tune in to today's broadcast to hear Log