Lykken On Lending

04-12-2022 SPECIAL EPISODE: All Things Podcasting!!



In this SPECIAL PROGRAM, David Lykken sits down with Taylor Ellard, National Project Specialist @ Atlantic Bay Mortgage Group, as well as the host of the podcast Lending Foreward, to discuss all things podcast!! Should you start a podcast? Should a company start a podcast as an originator? That is some of the questions we will address in this episode. Taylor’s been in the lending world for about seven years now and landed at home at Atlantic Bay Mortgage Group. And as they have thrived, they knew they had a need for a podcast and she was excited to take on that task!! Lending Forward is a weekly podcast hosted by Taylor Ellard and powered by Atlantic Bay Mortgage Group.  They bring you raw stories from real people in the mortgage industry. They are covering what’s next in lending, forward-thinking, and reflecting on lessons learned from Mortgage Bankers, Realtors, Financial Advisors, Coaches, and more! How are you lending it forward? Click here to read more about this podcast click here!!