Frontier Centre

Obsolete Regulations Prevent Aboriginals From Accessing Trades



All across Canada, but particularly on the prairies, builders complain about shortages of skilled trades people, but there’s a vast pool of unrealized potential among First Nations youth. Native reserves have a booming young population, and chronically high rates of unemployment. Governments and the private sector often turn to immigration to fill such needs, but the answer could be right in our own backyard. Obsolete regulations are one of the roadblocks that prevent this from happening. Provinces regulate the number of apprentices that can be hired based on the number of existing journeypersons who are ticketed to work in the various trades. These ratios require many companies to lay off apprentices or to leave positions vacant in many cases, for reasons that don’t make much sense. Most provinces are moving to ease these restrictions, and governments should focus on things like safety standards instead of regulating the rate of entry. Education requirements are also a problem. Most trades req