Acs Research - Theorylab

Attacking Ovarian Cancer (or Fallopian Tube Cancer?) from Every Angle



Ovarian cancer is actually an umbrella term describing a variety of cancers that often originate, not in the ovary, but in the fallopian tube. And that has important implications for the early detection and treatment of cancer. Dr. Joanna Burdette leads a lab at the University of Illinois at Chicago that integrates “imaging, drug discovery, microfluidics, and basic biology to try and understand how and where ovarian cancers originate.” 4:00 – On profound changes to our understanding of ovarian cancer in recent years and the challenges of early detection 12:20 – On a device she and her collaborators built: a complete 3D model of a female reproductive system that has a 28-day menstrual cycle, facilitating research into cells that respond biologically like they would in the human body 21:30 – On how ACS funding impacted her career 23:45 – Her message for ovarian cancer patients and caregivers Dr. Burdette is Professor of Medicinal Chemistry and Pharmacognosy and Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Pro