Acs Research - Theorylab

Helping Young Cancer Patients Bring Resilience to Their Fight against Cancer



What do you do when things get hard? What resources and experiences do you summon to help see you through a problem? Imagine being a young person, without much experience dealing with adversity, and learning that you have cancer. Abby Rosenberg, MD, MS, MA, has devoted her career to helping teens and young adults acquire the coping skills they need to manage stress after a cancer diagnosis and boost quality of life beyond treatment. In this wide-ranging conversation, Dr. Rosenberg talks about the challenges faced by young people with cancer and how she and her team are helping them acquire the individual, community, and existential resources needed to address the questions confronted by every cancer patient: “Why is this happening to me? What does this mean for me and my life? How does this change my identity and what I envisioned for my future?” Dr. Rosenberg is the director of palliative care and resilience research at Seattle Children's Research Institute. She’s also an associate professor in the divis