Acs Research - Theorylab

Exercise for Latina breast cancer survivors



Latina breast cancer survivors tend to be less physically active and experience more comorbidities (such as obesity, heart disease, and diabetes) when compared to Caucasian breast cancer survivors. Christina Dieli-Conwright, PhD, is trying to change that. Her American Cancer Society-funded work is a three-phase exercise intervention involving Latina breast cancer survivors, with the clinical phase of the trial providing the knowledge and motivation needed for them to continue to exercise in a community setting. 1:23 – Christina Dieli-Conwright, PhD, Associate Professor and Clinical Exercise Physiologist at City of Hope National Medical Center 2:41 – On comorbidities, and why she’s focused on Latina breast cancer survivors 6:50 – On the relatively high rates of metabolic dysregulation—which includes metabolic syndrome, insulin resistance, and visceral adiposity—in Latina breast cancer survivors 11:14 – On the three phases of her exercise intervention, and results so far 18:14 – Some of the reasons Lati