Acs Research - Theorylab

What cancer patients and caregivers need to know about COVID-19



What does COVID-19 mean for cancer patients and caregivers? How can they lower their risk of infection? How can everyone help reduce risk for this vulnerable population? What should cancer patients do if they are undergoing treatment? Len Lichtenfeld, MD, MACP, Deputy Chief Medical Officer for the American Cancer Society, provides important guidance and perspective. 2:26 – The need for people, and particularly those with cancer, to find reliable sources of information 3:51 – How there is much we don’t yet know about how COVID-19 affects cancer patients 5:20 – Why the mortality rate for cancer patients with COVID-19 is higher than it is for other groups 7:22 – How cancer patients can mitigate risk 8:39 – “Never has there been a time when my health, or your health, depends so much on others around us doing the right thing.” 10:35 – Why we all have a responsibility to help “flatten the curve” 13:16 – Should cancer patients give up social activities like dinner with friends? 17:12 – What does this epidem