Acs Research - Theorylab

Tobacco use in the age of COVID-19, tobacco farming, and a rebound in JUUL sales



What do we know about how tobacco use affects risk and outcomes for coronavirus patients? Jeff Drope, PhD—the American Cancer Society’s Scientific Vice President of Economic and Health Policy Research—explains what we know, what we don’t know, and what we recommend. (2:10) Then Dr. Drope takes us through a fascinating look at how tobacco farming impacts the developing world. How is global tobacco farming changing? What is daily life like for the tobacco growers in developing countries? How does the tobacco industry incentivize farmers and governments, and what other options do the latter have? (9:25) Finally, Alex Liber (Senior Scientist on the Society’s Economic and Health Policy Research team) joins us to describe his new paper showing that JUUL sales recovered within weeks following a dip after the company withdrew some flavored products from stores, eventually surpassing sales from before the change as consumption shifted to the menthol/mint and tobacco flavors that remained on shelves. (41:12)