Acs Research - Theorylab

Better cancer care for the fastest growing population group in the U.S.



The number of adults aged 85 and older is expected to triple by 2060, due in large part to better treatments and a decline in tobacco use. Because cancer risk increases with age, demand for cancer care in this population will continue to grow. William Dale, MD, PhD, joined the podcast to talk about the needs of older adults who are cancer patients and how we can better meet them. He also talked about “The Elephant in the Room,” a film executive produced by Dr. Dale and his wife that depicts the real-life experiences of Bonnie Freeman, who was a nurse practitioner at City of Hope. Ms. Freeman, who wrote the screenplay for the film, tragically passed away shortly before the film’s release. The film, which is available on Amazon Prime, is about a “comical nurse practitioner who treats his patients in an unconventional way, is challenged by a tough and stubborn patient, but is determined to show him the bright side, even when the end is so close.” Amazon Prime: