Acs Research - Theorylab

Creating a mathematical representation of what’s happening in cancer



Dr. Stacey Finley develops mathematical models to better understand cancer, tumor growth, and the effectiveness of different therapies. Her team creates a mathematical representation of what’s happening in biology, so they can understand how reactions are happening in cells, how cells are interacting with one other, and how that influences the growth of a tumor. They can use that data to create simulations and make predictions about what could happen, all with the goal of finding more effective treatments for cancer patients. Using mathematical modeling, “we can try as many ideas as we can think of, in a shorter amount of time, with fewer resources, and with fewer dollars to spend, compared to doing experimental studies.” Dr. Finley provides the best explanation of mathematical modeling you’re likely to hear. But she also spoke at length about her approach to scientific mentoring and had wonderful advice for other young women of color who are aspiring scientists. Stacey Finley, PhD, is Associate Profes