Acs Research - Theorylab

Targeting a vulnerability in triple-negative breast cancer



The collaboration between Claudia Benavente, PhD, and Michael Emanuele, PhD, is a perfect example of how cancer researchers with overlapping interests but very different expertise can come together to find a new path forward in cancer research. They found each other through the American Cancer Society’s online community for current and former cancer research grantees. The Benavente Lab had previously identified a new protein with exciting therapeutic potential that is critical for tumor metastasis. Independently, the Emanuele Lab found that this protein is tightly controlled by a cellular machinery that functions to eliminate proteins within the cell. Together, they are collaborating on an ACS-funded research project to determine how this protein is made, how it functions, and how it’s eliminated, with the goal of creating novel target therapeutics for patients with triple-negative breast cancer. 2:55 – Claudia Benavente, PhD, is Assistant Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences at the University of Califor