Acs Research - Theorylab

The immense complexity and importance of the tumor microenvironment in cancer



To understand how cancer develops and spreads, and to develop better therapies, it’s critical to understand the tumor microenvironment, the immediate area around a tumor that “helps generate a supportive niche for it to develop and grow.” Johanna Joyce, PhD, joined the podcast to explain that the diverse normal cells around a tumor are enmeshed with cancer cells. They’re integrated. They communicate and influence each other’s functions. Her lab’s goal is “to try and either block this cellular conversation or redirect it towards a more constructive dialogue that helps fight the tumor and not support it.” Johanna Joyce, PhD, is Professor at the University of Lausanne and Full Member of the Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research. 4:32 – What is the tumor microenvironment? 6:00 – Why it’s similar to the immense complexity of a forest’s ecosystem 8:19 – Do tumors somehow create or remodel their microenvironments? 12:42 – “The tumor microenvironment can have a major impact on how a given cancer responds to