Acs Research - Theorylab

“We’re all in this together:" Three approaches to cancer research



In this episode, three researchers from Dartmouth who are investigating very different aspects of cancer joined the podcast to share their work. One of the guests, James Moseley, PhD, summed up why a diversity of scientific approaches and collaboration among researchers is so important: “We’re all in this together. There are so many different angles to fighting cancer, whether it be here at Dartmouth—where we’ve got folks working on the level of cells and proteins all the way up through patient care and beyond—or through the ACS. This is really a team effort, and we’re all kind of working on our individual parts, but (this is) a reminder that we’re all working together to tackle all these different aspects of cancer with the ultimate goal of helping patients and survivors.” Amber Barnato, MD, MPH, MS, is the Susan J. and Richard M. Levy 1960 Distinguished Professor in Health Care Delivery. Her research focuses on variation in end-of-life intensive care unit and life-sustaining treatment use. Kathleen Lyons