Linnean Learning

Linnean Future Podcast #46: Revaluing Nature



Capitalism has woven itself into every thread of our lives, including how we value nature. Today, money is how we transact, how we live, how we prosper, and to think that capitalism as an idea is really not that old. And yet, it is judging the value of our planet and everything within it. Its magnetic hold over the planet means that it is now a global belief system, which has its hand deep within climate and ecological crises. In this podcast Mustafa Zaidi, who has spent three decades in the field of finance with experience from multiple angles - as advisor, asset manager, and an entrepreneur building a multi-billion dollar business, tackles how capital is the currency with which we are trading the natural world. We are also joined by Amoni Kitooke, Director and Deputy Director of the Cross Culture Foundation of Uganda, who provides us with a refreshing human-centred perspective of how we could value nature in a far more meaningful way.  The Linnean Future Podcast Series is an initiative by The Linnean Soci