Overcoming Narcissism With Olivia

E17: Are you an INFJ Woman Personality type?



Meet Sarah, who is a fellow 'INFJ'. Hear about how i discovered what personality type I was after a personal identity crisis.  In this episode we discuss the importance of discovering and learning more about your personality type, as well as why you do some things the way you do! We delve into the strengths & weaknesses for this rare personality type, and how we can be prone to attracting Narcissistic people into our lives.  Do you have some empathic qualities? Does the INFJ characteristics resonate with you? Does this personality type sound like you?  Your vibe attracts your tribe! Therefore, I'm sure some listeners would most likely be an INFJ too!   Find out by taking the Myer-Briggs test below! http://www.16personalities.com/free-personality-test   Find Sarah here: INSTA + FB + TWITTER: @INFJWoman BLOG: INFJWoman.com