Ace Weekly

Leading and Influencing Culture, with Ben Schemper - ACEWEEKLY096



What is your prespective on Leadership and Culture? Ben Schemper, CEO of the high level leadership mastermind Abundant, joins Andrew as a leader & influencer with unique takes on how young leaders can influence our culture. He’s worked closely with people like Tony Robbins, and now coaches top entrepreneurs, intraprenuers, and executives, some of whom have paid hundreds of thousands of dollars for his coaching. Ben is a master at creating immersive experiences that have helped entrepreneurs, start-ups, and even Fortune 500 executives. He combines high level leadership principles, nature, and music to help people find their purpose & influence the world around them.  How does art & music intersect with the world of leadership & personal growth? For thousands of years, music has brought people together unlike anything else. The ability of music to create immersive experiences is a tool for leaders to keep in their arsenal of influence. It speaks to our subconscious in a way that nothing else can