Awakening With Glenn Bleakney

Following Jesus | Interview with Kelli Frazier



In this interview, entrepreneur Kelli Frazier shares her story of how a traumatic brain injury resulted in her launching a very successful business that served thousands of clients. After a season of great success, Kelli felt the Lord challenge her to step out into a new venture and leave her business behind. The result was the birth of the non-profit organization for at-risk children called Fetch the Goodness that is now a growing Community that also help support parents in raising their children according to Biblical principles. Learn more at ( ) Kelli's story will inspire you to step out to follow the leading of the Lord. God has a plan and purpose of each one of us. As we forsake all to follow that call we fulfill that purpose. If you’re listening on Apple Podcasts, press the ‘+’ icon to follow the show for free. Giveaway: Download my free book, "3 Ways to Discern God is Leading You in a New Direction." Go to (https://a