

On today’s show, I am joined by Nancy Slessenger. Nancy, I’m quite confident, most of you have never heard of before. But I’m also confident that you are going to learn more in this show that will help you work with your fellow human beings than any before. So let me tell you more about this incredible woman. Nancy is the author of over 20 publications including “How to Write Objectives that Work” with sales of over 250,000 copies and “Difficult People Made Easy”, a booklet of practical tips for dealing with difficult situations. In 1995 she started a management consultancy and went on to develop a recruitment process that now achieves a success rate of over 91% compared with the average of 25 – 30%. Her company, Vinehouse Hiring now specialises only in recruitment and hiring for small to medium sized owner-run businesses in the English-speaking world. Before starting her own company Nancy worked in the manufacturing industry, starting at Mars, and was director of an electronics company a few years later.