

On today’s show, I am joined by Bash Halow. Bash, is one of the most entertaining speakers on the veterinary circuit, firstly because he is tear-inducingly funny when he hits his flow, highly eloquent and not afraid to say things that others might take offence to. In short, he possesses a raw authenticity that has endears him to many in his native North America and beyond, notably he recently addressed the Veterinary Management Association at the House of Lords in London. Based in New York Bash started out life as a technician and pursued his business interest to founding both the New Jersey Veterinary Hospital Manager’s Association, the Big Apple Veterinary Management group in NYC and served as an advisor for the Mercer County Community College’s Veterinary Assistant Program, the first of its kind in the area. Bash’s day to day work involves helping veterinary hospitals understand how to build stronger teams and responsibly and ethically grow their businesses. And he is a member of the American Animal