

Today’s episode marks a very big mile stone on the Blunt Dissection pathway as we reach our two year and 24 episode-th birthday! (Apologies to the English language for that abuse). We needed a big episode and I am thrilled to say that my guest, Dr. Bree Montana, absolutely nailed it. Dr Montana, or Bree as I can now call her since we’re blunt dissection besties, gained her Doctorate in Veterinary Medicine from Ohio State University. After graduation she worked in emergency hospitals before moving into general practice and eventually practice ownership where much of her real “learning” began. Safe to say the road was bumpy. Outside of her practice, Bree has served as a member of UC Davis’ College of Veterinary Medicine’s External Advisory and Admissions Boards, is a past Board member of the VIN Foundation. And, somehow, finds time to act as the Director of the VINFoundation’s Vets4Vets programs – a place where vets struggling with a range of physical, emotional and psychological problems receive much n