Blunt Dissection: The Best Minds In Veterinary Medicine, Academia & Business Profiled So You Can Learn From Their Experience.

Ep 51 - Dr Fabian Rivers - Inclusion & Diversity in Veterinary Medicine



On today’s show I’m joined by Dr Fabian Rivers. Fabian is an exotics vet, TV personality, social activist, and philosopher. Hailing from Birmingham in the United Kingdom, Fabian, also known as Dready Vet, took a path less travelled to becoming a vet by undertaking his training in the Czech Republic. So why did he go overseas to study? The answer perhaps sheds some light on why there is such a glaring mismatch between the ethnic diversity of our general population and the ethnic diversity of our profession. As an applicant from the black community Fabian found, time and again, doors in the UK closed to him that in all probability would have been wide open to others. Thankfully for us all, he was not to be denied, and his perseverance and courage saw him graduate in 2018. Since then he has made an impressive impact. Fabian works in exotics medicine and is a tireless campaigner on his favoured topics of mental health, racism, plus new graduate and student welfare. 2020, a year of hell for many, saw hi