

On today’s show I’m joined by Dr Sharon Grossman. Dr. Grossman is a Psychologist, Life Coach, and Speaker, who is an expert in Emotional Intelligence (EQ) and managing burnout in high achieving professionals. She graduated more than two decades ago with a Bachelors in Psychology and since has completed a double Masters and a Doctorate in Counselling Psychology from Fordham University. For the past two decades, Dr Grossman has worked with lawyers, doctors and other high-achieving professionals to help improve mental health and well-being, as all are prone to sacrificing their self-care as a result of work demands. Individuals she describes as having “too much on their mind, no direction, and end up focussing on unimportant items while forgetting about more important ones”. Thus entering a paradoxical downward spiral of perceived-underachievement, and eventually exhaustion. If you’re thinking this sounds eerily familiar, then you perhaps get why I was so keen to have Dr Grossman on the show! In addition