

On today’s show I’m joined by the woman with potentially the new Blunt Dissection record (Sorry Sheilah) for the number of letters after a name, Dr. Robin Downing, DVM, DAAPM, DACVSMR, CVPP, CCRP, CVA, MS in Clinical Bioethics. Robin, who will be familiar to many of you, graduated from Loyola University of Chicago, (where she obtained a degree in English) in 1981 and later from the University of Illinois: College of Veterinary Medicine in 1986. Growing up, Dr. Robin had a natural rapport with animals, thanks to her Grandad; and was later pushed towards pursuing her career in veterinary medicine by her partner and now wife. Utilising her degree in English, Robin wrote a weekly column in The Denver Post, as well as multiple magazine articles, short stories, and two books. Meanwhile, using her veterinary degree to transform Windsor Veterinary Clinic into a Practice of Excellence and create The Downing Center for Animal Pain Management. Alongside, this Robin serves as a Trustee for the Morris Animal Foundati