Against All Odz

Ep 9. Ryan Scott - Winning gold for Australia



"I had to lose nearly everything, before I appreciated what I had." Ryan Scott sits in his wheelchair opposite me " The choices I made put me in that passenger seat...and because of that choice I became a quadriplegic." When I first moved to South Australia Ryan lived with his brother in the house directly across the street. It was a small, picturesque coastal community now famous for the Star of Greece cafe and the beach lifestyle. Growing up Ryan became apart of the infamous Pt. Willy Crew (PWC) a self given title of a band of local youth mainly made up of surfers and pot heads. The laughs were plenty and the brotherhood was strong, they would get up to the normal mischief round town and were notorious for crashing parties by the carload, fighting, getting drunk and being the last to leave. They were proud of their reputation. Ryan was the youngest of this group. Fast, powerful cars were the preferred mode of transport for the PWC and it wasn't unusual to see them gather on the streets to do burn outs and o