Business Owners & Entrepreneurs Podcast With Peter Boolkah | Business Coach | The Transition Guy®

Building a Team That Manages You with Kris Ward



Creating a team can be liberating…or it can add to your responsibilities.In this discussion with Kris Ward, she explains why having the right management techniques is crucial to every entrepreneur, specifically learning to build a team that should manage you instead of the other way around.The problem that most entrepreneurs run into when building a team is that they end up micromanaging the performance of each new employee, which ends up giving them more work instead of freeing up their time.This model of doing things has been around for quite some time. And it's not unusual for you, as a business owner, to want to make sure that your team produces the results you desire, so you dedicate a portion of your time to helping them succeed.But as Kris Ward points out, creating a team in this way is backwards. They should really be managing you so that you have more time freed up to address other areas of the business.The management techniques that Kris employs in her consulting business are all designed to co