Bible Learners Corner

Comparing Natural and Supernatural Things (Part 1) | Eternal Heavenly Kingdom and Temporary Earthly Kingdom - Understanding the Supernatural (Spiritual) things



Comparing Natural and Supernatural Things:  The Eternal Heavenly Kingdom and Temporary Earthly Kingdom Things including the heavens, the earth (the worlds) and all that is in them. The natural [seen] things originated from the supernatural [unseen] ... [Hebrews 11]. Just as there are natural things, there are also supernatural (spiritual) things. All these things [natural i.e. visible and supernatural i.e. invisible] are in God’s creation. The Natural things or realm is linked to the Supernatural/Spiritual realm by FAITH. • The seen natural things are made from the unseen spiritual • The natural things have their origin or come from their spiritual (supernatural) component • The seen things are temporary while the unseen things are REAL and eternal. Many Teachings and Resources are already available at the Bible Learners Ministries Youtube Channel: Discussions on "understanding the supernatural" already published...  and more are coming up shortly. Stay tuned!