Life Long Learner

Ep. 59 Out Of Class - Identity, Disorder and Energy



This is a great episode!  Matt shares his adventures at Cactus beach and the potential of surfing with sharks. This sparks the conversation of when are you so pumped that you should be scared but you are not. So, Matt, it is being in the water and being free, Ben it is his morning run, despite injuries it is a liberating feeling, and for Gines, it is race day, even under prepared, he is so pumped and excited for the journey of the race.  We chat about the notion of Identity. What it is, what we are attracted to in our friends and partners.  Most importantly what do we do if we can't do what is part of our identity, running, surfing, presenting, active... When you can’t do what you use to do – how do you deal... They explore the thought process that, everything moves to disorder and that our natural state is insanity, not sanity. As you know the natural state is for the human body to break down. Therefore, it requires energy to bring things in order. It requires conscious effort.  Things a