Rusty Quill Gaming Podcast

RQG - Raging Grannies - Part 2



Join Maddy, Alex, Nico, Cathy and Tessa as they continue to play Raging Grannies by Alicia Furness and introduce you to the team behind Rusty Quill’s brand new actual play podcast, Chapter and Multiverse. This week Gloucester knows innuendo, Christine defends her bag of mush, Bryony meets some old friends, and Patricia gifts her pies.Content warnings:FoodInnuendoPhysical violence & injuryImprisonmentUndead & zombiesDiscussions of: attempted kidnapping, nausea & emetophobia, rotMentions of: spitting, ratsSFX: squishing, clanking, continuous growlingTranscript: PDF: RQG - Raging Grannies - Part 2.pdfWord: RQG - Raging Grannies - Part 2.docxSFX this week by djtiii, joenmuri, Grubzyy, Sclolex, deleted_user_2104797, blaukreuz,, julious_galla, plingativator, MattRuthSound, ofuscapreto, brunoboselli, qubodup, soonas, yadronoff, AntoineRomo, 13GPanska_Stanek_Vojtech, glock102020202, Kodack, BennetFilmTeacher, D4XX, Deathscyp, Anthousai, Aleks41, giddster, k