Under The Arch

S3 Ep. 6 Interrupting Violence & Building Community ft. Mike Milton



ArchCity Defenders and Action St. Louis present the premiere collaborative podcast, "Under The Arch." Your hosts Blake Strode, Executive Director of ArchCity Defenders, and Kayla Reed, Director of Action St. Louis, explore the issues facing our community and the people working to transform them.This week, our hosts speak with returning guest Mike Milton, Founder and Executive Director of Freedom Community Center to talk about the origins of his organization, how he defines restorative and transformative justice, and the ways the FCC works to achieve such outcomes for community members that have faced interpersonal violence. Join the conversation around this week's episode using #UnderTheArch and send us your feedback at underthearchpod@gmail.com. This week's Music Minute features the song "Something Bout the Way" by Jay Marie Is Holy ft. Seaux Chill. Stream more of their music on your favorite streaming platform. Know a local artist who'd like to feature their song in our Mu